南通市佳君衬衫有限公司位于黄海之滨,建成于1984年,是集工贸一体的现代化私营企业。佳君衬衫公司占地面积50亩,生产厂房21000平方米,固定资产1200万,职工408人,专业技术人员28人,外贸业务人员5名,具有10条现代化设备的专业生产流水和水洗车间,各种机器500台/套。专业生产男、女、童各类丝绸、化纤、全棉、麻棉等衬衫、普通睡衣套、裤子等150万件/套。主要客户有日本的美浓屋、丸红、住金物产、互兴、日绵;美国的TARGET、SAKS、marshall field’s、EMANUEL;欧洲的LERROS、ENGBERS等。产品做工精细、质量上乘、价格合理,深受国内外客户的信赖,远销二十多个国家和地区。 本厂于1999年获自营进出口权,可自营出口各类服装、针纺织品等。目前,本厂正进一步加强企业管理,艰苦奋斗、励精图治,开发新客户、新品种。
Our factory possesses ground more than 33,000 square meters and 21,000 square meters for workshops. We have capital asserts of RMB 12 million and 408 workers, 28 technicians and 10 foreign trade talents. We have the right to export products to oversea since 1999.We can sell all kinds of fashions and knitting products. Silk, chemical, 100% cotton and linen cotton are our major products. Those materials are used in shirts, pajamas, trousers for men, ladies and kids. We have customers all over the world, such as TARGET, SAKS, MARSHALL FIELD’S and EMANUEL of U.S.A. and LEROS, ENGBERS of European countries. We own reputation from our products in oversea markets for sophisticated workmanship, best quality and reasonable price. Till now we sell the products to 25 countries and areas.网 址:http://www.ntjiajunshirt.com(网站建设分公司:中企动力网站制作)
Our factory possesses ground more than 33,000 square meters and 21,000 square meters for workshops. We have capital asserts of RMB 12 million and 408 workers, 28 technicians and 10 foreign trade talents. We have the right to export products to oversea since 1999.We can sell all kinds of fashions and knitting products. Silk, chemical, 100% cotton and linen cotton are our major products. Those materials are used in shirts, pajamas, trousers for men, ladies and kids. We have customers all over the world, such as TARGET, SAKS, MARSHALL FIELD’S and EMANUEL of U.S.A. and LEROS, ENGBERS of European countries. We own reputation from our products in oversea markets for sophisticated workmanship, best quality and reasonable price. Till now we sell the products to 25 countries and areas.网 址:http://www.ntjiajunshirt.com(网站建设分公司:中企动力网站制作)